With the Corona virus well and truly with us causing all existing bookings for the Bush Balladeer to be cancelled, it has enabled Anne and myself to get away from Melbourne before the NSW and Victorian border was closed off.
However, while visiting daughter Marney in Wyong on the Central Coast NSW, the Queensland border (our intended destination) was closed, so here in NSW are we.
That was from early July and it would appear that the end is not forthcoming for at least another two months.
However, the good news !!!
There have been a number of Zoom meetings arranged for various organisations as well as quite a few telephone hookups with the Bush Poetry Recitals going great guns.
This has brought some joy into peoples lives during this very bleak period and has been of great help to those tuned in.
I am available for phone recitals, zoom performances, and I am also doing a special Facebook Live show from a studio in Gosford, NSW on October 14 as a fundraiser for my Rotary Nomads club. Here’s the link to that: https://fb.me/e/6yg1KJOlC
Stay safe and well.